Med*Thin's COVID-19 Related Clinic Policies
Dear Valued Patient,
The Coronavirus pandemic has greatly affected daily living for many people.
You may be wondering if you can keep your next appointment with me. Yes, you can! We are excited to offer telemedicine visits for our patients.
Please contact Annie 469-442-6365 to convert your appointment to a telemedicine visit or to reschedule to a time when COVID-19 is less prevalent.
If would like to conduct your next appointment over the phone or by a video call, many insurers will cover the cost of the medical visit, but some insurers may NOT. This is a fluid situation, so we promise to update you as things change, and if insurers change their requirements. Please read the options and requirements below carefully.
If you have Medicare: Medicare will pay for office visits conducted BY VIDEO ONLY. Follow these steps:
1. At least one day before our appointment: download the MyHealthyJourney app on your smart phone and select the Med*Thin clinic. This will allow us to use the video conference feature, and we want to make sure it works for you.
2. On the morning of our appointment: check your weight, blood pressure, and pulse.
3. I will call you through the MyHealthyJourney app.
If you have Private Insurance:
Follow these steps:
1. Please check your Insurance Plan Card. If it has the words "TDI" or "DOI" on the card, then we can conduct your visit by telephone OR by video.
2. If you prefer a video visit: At least one day before our appointment, download the MyHealthyJourney app on your smart phone and select the Med*Thin clinic. This will allow us to use the video conference feature, and we want to make sure it works for you.
3. On the morning of our appointment: check your weight, blood pressure, and pulse.
4. I will call you through the MyHealthyJourney app. If I do not see your name on the app, I will call your phone number on record.
If you do not have your Insurance Plan Card, or do not see the words "TDI" or "DOI" on your card, please call your health insurance company to ask:
1) if they will cover telemedicine visits?
2) if visits must be on telephone or on video call?
Guidance that we have received from the Texas Medical Board indicates that copays and deductibles still apply during this timeframe. You may choose to pay these over the phone, on the patient portal, or through the mail.
Links to information:
If you have questions, please contact us by patient portal, email, or phone call 469-442-6365 or 972-566-2886.
Please stay healthy!
Thank you,
Valerie Liao, MD
Diplomate, American Board of Obesity Medicine
Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine